Our heart touching approaches aims just one motivation – no generation gap for emotionally healthy, physically strong and socially successful children, especially the most neglected, deprived and vulnerable. We work with children, families, professionals, communities, and partners to ensure that children enjoys survival, development, protection and participation rights for life.


1. Education – Literacy Everyday

Education is a fundamental human right and is indispensable for the achievement of sustainable development. GCPI firmly believe that we can only be able to empower girls and boys to fight inequality and end extreme poverty if all adults commit themselves to provide, secure and sustain education goal. Aiming to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 (ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all), GCPI facilitate mostly deprived, neglected, vulnerable and poorest of the poor girls and boys to maximize their potential by getting access to free quality education. GCPI achieves this dream by its Education Program which provide quality education to both girls and boys free of cost.
GCPI advocate and lobby for quality free education by establishing relationships with government entities and higher education institutions to improve access to free quality education for girls and boys at their door steps. GCPI has following initiatives under its education program

Mobile School:

GCPI in hard and difficult to reach fragile and security constraint areas use its outreach strategies to reach and teach vulnerable, neglected and education deprived girls and boys. Our mobile school seeks out these girls and boys in their own location, vicinities and environment. First, our teams conduct geographical mapping with the help of community elders, girls and boys to identify and create meeting and teaching space and places for our mobile schools. Our interventions starts with rapport building, networking and relationship and trust building with parents, right holders, duty bearers and girls and boys. Gradually our team enrolls girls and boys (whoever is interested without any sex discrimination) in our mobile school and teach them through our “fun and edutainment” approaches.
GCPI based on its own field research and work with out of school street living and working children, designed a “mobile school”. Mobile school is a unique concept and learning opportunity for out of school, dropout, hard to reach area girls and boys. Our mobile school is a “School on Shoulder” in a bag with extendable four pillar, roof top, whiteboard and reading material. Our designed mobile school can easily be set up and uninstalled within 5 minutes anywhere. It needs some yards areas where a group of 15 – 20 students and teacher can sit and study. Based on its flexible design, it can be used on sidewalks, parks, streets or unplanned settlements of any slum area.

Sponsor a Child:

Number of children in the world has reached its peak with 1,9 billion children in the world making 27% of world population. According to UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), about 263 million children and youth are out of school equivalent to a quarter of the population of Europe. This total includes 61 million children of primary school age, 60 million of lower secondary school age, and includes the first ever estimate of those of upper secondary school age at 142 million. Tragically, 25 million girls and boys will never go to school.
Majority of children live as internally displaced, migrant or refugees. They are “children without childhood” living and experiencing war, deprivation, fear, hunger and negligence. They aren’t in school and often struggle to life. Their right to education is a dream. They can become school girl or boy with you help. Your single penny can transform a child from scratch to success. Hesh can move from vulnerability to productivity with your financial assistance. Investing in education can help a child lifting her/him out of poverty. Education can help a girl or boy live with dignity.
You can help. By sponsoring a girl or boys in Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Syria, you can be a change maker in her/his life. You can donate one burger’s cost or your one day family’s outing. You can’t imagine how this will change the life of girl or boy to live educated with safety.

Adopt a child’s education now

Adopt a School:

In almost all countries of the world – basic education is free and compulsory but students are required to purchase their own notebooks, rulers, pens, and pencils, which is an almost impossible financial burden for most rural families. The concept of “Adopt-a-School” is to build strong, sustaining relationships with sponsor with local schools which are struggling to sustain due to lack of financial assistance or human resource. Through your commitment and volunteer efforts, a school can continue to serve girls and boys for their safety and right to education.
Adopt-A-School provides basic necessary learning materials, teacher assistance, and infrastructure support to girls and boys student to carry on their education without dropout. Adopt-A-School Program encourages intercultural awareness and exchanges of friendship and goodwill between schools, students and sponsors from around the world

2. Child Rights and Protection

Abuse and Violence Prevention:

We train children on “my body is mine, nobody has the right to touch it – in case of emergency, in the presence of responsible adult”. Global Child Protection Team is inspired by the work of Kidpower and uses Kidpower’s 4 Boundary Principles “We each belong to ourselves; Some things are not a choice; Problems of any kind of touch should NEVER be a secret; and Keep asking until you get help! We train children, adolescents, parents, teachers and professionals on all types of physical, psychological, emotional and sexual abuse.

Child Participation:

We believe that “every child is unique and blessed with creativity, vision and decision making with active, effective and meaningful participation”. In our child participation programs, we help children to come out of their “introvert” arena to “extrovert”. Our exercise, approaches and theories helped them in learning active participation skills. We promote Dr. Roger Hart’s “Ladder of Participation” to help everyone in understanding children and youth participation in details. This ladder helps us to think about where we really are and where we’d like to be in terms of children’s participation in programs. This ladder was not created to suggest that we have to be “at the top” stage, but rather that we ought to be aiming to get out of the lower stages of non-participation, and think of ways to genuinely engage children and youth. We envision that children will be at the stage of “visualize by the children, initiated by the children, led by the children and monitored by the children” in a shared decision making with adults.

Child Protection:

Global Child Protection Institute’s protection program is designed to create “child protection first” communities free of violence and traditional, exploitative and harmful practices. We believe in “child friendly and enabling” environment where children have all preventive measures, timely action to any type of abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence against children. We are particularly expert in “safety and protection in emergency”. We promote functional laws, child friendly policies and child focused educational services promoting protection at all levels starting from home to communities.


Boys are the men of future and play a crucial role in overcoming gender inequality and discrimination. Currently, men hold many of the key roles of power in the household, the classroom, the workplace and other public spaces. They transfer these societal, cultural, familial, political and religious power to their “crown prince”. Boys carry on all such traditional harmful gender practices transferred to them from generation to generation. GCPI advocates to achieve gender equality by transforming boys into Rights Champions by challenging stereotypical community notions “girls should be socially constrained” in many parts of the world. It is imperative to address disparities in socialization of girls and boys both at formal and informal educational institutes. There is a need to have some blueprint to improve the understanding of boys toward existing toxic masculinity perspectives to pursue overall growth and well-being of societies.
Boys Transformation to Gender Equality Program’s overall goal is to develop comprehensive understanding on how boys the holder of ‘boy’s power’ can contribute to gender inequality. This program helps boys and young men to address their roles in equality, power and control; and violence against girls and women, which are the most compelling perspectives on masculinities vis-à-vis gender equality, peace, and sustainable development.
This program advocates, strengthens and promotes Sustainable Development Gaol 5 which says to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Through this program GCPI develops understanding of boys in a context of traditional practices that suppress girls and women and make them vulnerable to violence. The program empowers boys to advocate for change in persisting inequalities, including unequal access to education, healthcare, inheritance and employment. The program enables boys to accommodate the advantages of including boys in equality programmes that prevent gender-based violence. Gender equality is a prerequisite for overall country’s health and social change.

This program transforms boys from gender blind to girls and women’s rights advocates through advocacy and program buildings like;
I. Facilitating donors, implementers and partners in conducting research review on existing laws and policies and propose changes to anchor them on international agreements, specifically the Sustainable Development Goals, CEDAW, the Beijing Platform of Action, Convention on the Rights of Children and other protocols, to ensure that these clearly respond to children and gender violence issues, such as domestic display of aggressive behaviours, and girls and women being vulnerable to discrimination.
II. Launch local and national debate on those notions of social justice that forefront girl’s interests, such as equality and equity of girls and women’s opportunities vis-à-vis both domestic and community leadership.
III. Policy advocacy to deconstruct the belittling of girls and women embedded in toxic masculinities and patriarchal led public environment.
IV. Partners in review the Family Law on tribal codes and norms to combat the harmful practice that girls and women are not allowed to claim inheritance without severing ties with the family.

Programmatic Interventions

1. GCPI designed and implemented a research based Boys Transformation Project. This project is designed to address gender inequality, discrimination and violence perpetuated by boys and men. GCPI believes that boys are the future men and Their Transformation through Training and Capacity Building can facilitate girls and women empowerment. If a boy is sensitive and understands gender equality, he can facilitate all his family member to take action against discrimination. This peer education project draws on the credibility that boys among their peers, have leverages to address patriarchy and boys and men dominance through positive power of role modelling and taking stand against stereotypical notions which prevents girls and women’s empowerment. This project is designed for schools, colleges, universities and religious institutions and was successfully piloted in Afghanistan. Selected groups of boys trained as Gender Champions and gender equality activists replicated their knowledge at grassroot level. GCPI has designed a comprehensive training package consisting of training toolkit for boys and their allies. This project can easily be replicated in any part of the world.

2. Compilation of best practices to identify similar actions implemented successfully in different parts of the world on boys transformation to address gender-based violence and discrimination designed by government and non-governmental organisations.

3. Designs attitudinal and behavioural change programmes tailored for boys and men engagement. GCPI designed attitudinal and behavioural change programs to break the hegemonic and stereotypical masculinity concept from family to community levels. GCPI has expertise in community dialogues, seminars, conferences, orientation sessions, trainings, article writing, IEC development and dissemination of messages centred on boys and men’s equal participation in household activities through suitable communication channels (radio, television, newspapers, posters, billboards, sketches, street theatre and telephone).

4. A need to create psychosocial support programmes for men and boys, most of whom have higher death rates for the same sicknesses than women. One of the reasons is rigid masculinity traits and societal norms for men and boys. Men are not allowed to cry or express grief, which can cause psychological shock, leading to death. There is a need to enable boys and young men to break the rigid masculinity trend through professional counselling and psychotherapeutic services that reveal the causes of violent and aggressive behaviour. Through these programmes, men and boys can learn anger and stress management, non-violent communication and emotional health management skills. This has a direct link to dealing with positive fathering and gender-based violence. Gender-responsive and socio-culturally-sensitive mental health programmes for men are needed to prevent domestic and community violence, harassment and misuse of power.

5. Providing training and supporting mass media and social networking to promote gender equality among young people.

4. School Safety and Child Friendly Environment

Global Child Protection Institute works with school administration, teachers and students to first understand the local and national legislation and then implement it aiming at developing protective, child friendly, non-violent and abuse and assault free educational environment in and outside of the institutions. Increasing numbers of countries and states are requiring that schools and colleges have policies, practices, and programs to prevent and stop bullying, child abuse, and sexual assault. In the upraising gun shooting, bullying and ethnic issues, school safety is becoming more prevalent issue in the US where federal Title IX legislation requires that schools and colleges take immediate action to address any gender-based discrimination, harassment, or violence. In the 2015 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), there is a provision requiring that public schools provide child abuse prevention education. In addition, 27 US states have adopted “Erin’s Law” which emphasize that all public K-12 schools implement a prevention-oriented sexual abuse program.
Global Child Protection Institute provide safety and protection trainings, orientation, and sensitization workshops to make the school environment protective. GCPI’s workshops, orientation and sensitization sessions are need and fact based which are organized locally, nationally, regionally and globally even on request.


Child Protection Expert

Global Child Protection Institute believe in “Everyone can do everything” and provide technical, backup and human resource development assistance to become a child protection expert. We provide online and full-time classroom-based Child Protection Diploma or Certificate for all those who are interested to know more about child protection. We provide no cost based educational support and financial assistance with the cost of tuition fees.
Everyone who meet the basic criteria means motivation, heart in children safety and believe in children meets the qualifying conditions for the Child Protection Expert Program.
This program is for all without any national, ethnic, linguistic, gender or sex. Interested candidates will be assessed when they apply for this program.

Children Cultural Exchange Program

Global Child Protection Institute believe in “Education First” and provide students with technical and financial assistance to complete their formal education wherever they are. Global Child Protection Institute also believes in cultural exchange and experiential learning under the global village concept. We encourage and assist students all over the world to exchange their ideas, views, learnings and experiences with the people living in other part of the world. Our cultural exchange program is to promote mutual sharing of information between two or more individuals, countries, cultures and background for the purpose of improving friendship and understanding between them.
This program provide a life-long experience to girls and boys and help them in learning new skills, cultures, language, friendships and other benefits.